Contact Us

We’re always excited to hear from our fans, even if it’s just to say “Thanks for making great beer!” If you have a question for us, we’d love to answer it. If you have an issue to report, let us know so we can fix it. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with us, as it will give us more information to keep bringing the best, high-quality craft beer to all of our fans… Cheers!

HEADQUARTERS: 760.294.7899

Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Escondido



Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Liberty Station



Stone Brewing Tap Room - Richmond


Stone Brewing Tap Room - Oceanside



Stone Brewing Tap Room - Pasadena



Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner


M-F 8AM – 5PM PT
Closed on Weekends and Holidays


Beer Info
Business Info
NOTE: Retailers do NOT get in trouble for having out of code beer! This form simply allows us to make sure the situation is rectified.
May We Contact You?
There's a chance we'll want to get in touch with you for more information, so if you'd like to, leave your information below.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us - these submissions ensure you'll always keep getting the freshest beer in your area. Please make sure that all the fields are correct, and don't forget the required fields before submitting.


WE NEED YOU in the fight against the Unusual!

While we work hard to make our beers as perfect as possible, the moon and stars (rarely) do not always align. Find something unusual? Report the problem below so it gives us all the information we need to fix it.

Contact Info
State or Country
Beer Info
What was the problem?
Select beer
Packaged-on Date
Packaged-on Time
Brewery Location

You should expect to receive a response from us within 48 hours. If you have any questions or comments that aren’t related to beer quality issues, use the “Other Requests, Questions & Comments” section below.


Employment Inquiries and Job Opportunities

We do all of our recruiting online, so check out our job board to find a position that looks like a perfect fit for you. Any available internships will also be listed on there, but if you don’t see the right job for you, keep checking back!


Still have questions? If you didn't find the solution to your question or issue above, get in touch with us here.

Other Requests