Stone Brewing’s Iconic Names & Terms

We appreciate your interest in writing about Stone Brewing. If you have any questions you'd like answered, artwork needed for your article, interview requests or other media inquiries - please email us.

Stone brewing logo

Brand Assets & Guidelines

Please read our style guidelines before downloading so you are comfortable with using our logos correctly. Please discontinue the use of old or outdated logos prior to this version (2018).

Stone Brewing Brand Assets


Company Name

Correct: Stone Brewing
Incorrect: Stone Brewing Co. / Stone Brewing Company / Stone Brewery

Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens

Correct: Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens
Incorrect: Stone World Bistro & Gardens
Incorrect: Stone World Bistro
Incorrect: Stone Bistro

the bistro

Stone Brewing Locations

Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Escondido
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Liberty Station
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Richmond
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Oceanside
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Pasadena
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Stone Brewing in Terminal 2