Stone Spotlight Series: Innovative & Unique Brews

Craft beer, by its very nature, is about inventiveness and creativity. As part of our ongoing efforts to celebrate both, we created an intra-company brewing competition that pits two-person teams from our Brew Crew against each other in a light-hearted yet extremely serious battle to see whose beer recipe will go from pilot brew to distributed sensation overnight.

The rules are simple…go huge and be amazing. Every brewer on Team Stone can participate. Ingenuity and top-notch brewing skills are highly urged as well as necessary to grab the Stone Spotlight Series title. Each recipe is brewed on our five-barrel pilot system and judged by a panel composed of co-founders Greg Koch and Steve Wagner along with Brewmaster Mitch Steele to determine the winning brew.

Winners are awarded the highly coveted prize of getting their beer brewed, packaged, and distributed throughout California AND they get to go on tour along with their champion creation, sharing pints with thirsty fans in the Golden State.

Stone Spotlight Series