Frequently Asked Questions

Got a beer question (or any question)? We've got answers. Check out the list of frequently asked questions below and be enlightened!


Gargoyles are historically known as protectors against evil spirits. Since the beginning, our stone gargoyle has represented our ceaseless quest to create the most awesome beers imaginable. Think of the gargoyle as the big friend that’s got your back. Ever vigilant, ever watchful, and ever your humble servant. 

Learn More about the Stone Gargoyle

For locations, hours of operation and information on our World Bistros & Gardens, Tap Rooms & Company Stores: Visit Us.  

Interested in upcoming events taking place at our Stone Brewing locations?  Please visit our Events Page for more details!

Interested in booking an event at Stone Brewing? Thanks for choosing us to host your event, whether it be a wedding, happy hour, reunion, or just a special dinner. Please use the below links to book your event at either our Stone World Bistro & Gardens in Escondido or Liberty Station.

Book at Stone World Bistro & Gardens - Escondido  

Book at Stone World Bistro & Gardens - Liberty Station   

Use our Beer Finder to find out where you can purchase Stone Brewing near you. If you’re looking to purchase Stone Brewing merchandise, visit us in-person at any of our Tap Rooms and Company Stores located at each of our locations.  

Returns or refunds of Stone merchandise purchased online are available for non-final sale items within 60 days of purchase. If you purchased an item via our online store between November 24, 2024 and January 24, 2025 which you would like to return, please mail the item you are returning and a copy of your Shopify order number to:

Stone Brewing Merchandise Returns
505 S. Pacific St. San Marcos, CA 92078   

Items purchased locally at any of our Tap Rooms or Bistros must be returned to the original place of purchase.

Please note, if you previously purchased beer or food items online through our online store, we cannot accept returns of these items.

Gift cards can be purchased and redeemed in-person at any of our Stone Company Stores, World Bistros & Gardens, and Tap Rooms. Just let the bartender or wait staff know that you'll be paying with a gift card when you're ready to check out! You can check the balance on an existing gift card here. Please note, we are not currently selling gift cards online but hope to be able to soon. 

Visit a Stone Location

Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting charity or donation requests at this time.

We do all of our recruiting online, so check out our job board to find a position that looks like a perfect fit for you. Any available internships will also be listed there, but if you don’t see the right job for you, keep checking back! 


Beer Info
Business Info
NOTE: Retailers do NOT get in trouble for having out of code beer! This form simply allows us to make sure the situation is rectified.
May We Contact You?
There's a chance we'll want to get in touch with you for more information, so if you'd like to, leave your information below.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us - these submissions ensure you'll always keep getting the freshest beer in your area. Please make sure that all the fields are correct, and don't forget the required fields before submitting.


Find something unusual? Report the quality concern below so it gives us all the information we need to fix it.

Contact Info
State or Country
Beer Info
Select beer
Packaged-on Date
Packaged-on Time
Brewery Location

If you have any questions or comments that aren’t related to beer quality issues, please reference our FAQs or use the “Contact Us” section below.


For any additional inquiries please reach out to us at 1-760-294-7899. Cheers!