bubble gargoyle
bubble gargoyle

Stone 13th Anniversary Ale: Big, Bold & Hoppy

Imperial Red Ale

Stone is a teenager now. Like all teenagers, we’re entering an unpredictable age. Soon our voice will begin to get deeper, yet crack at the most embarrassing time (like when we’re trying to impress a cute girl…just our luck). We do finally get to watch the PG-13 movies, not that that ever stopped us, we do look old for our age. And we have an unmistakable maturity about us. At least that’s what Aunt Maybelle says. Just wish she’d cut out that cheek pinching though.

It seems that it may be time to leave behind our younger years altogether. We’ve actually been feeling a bit like grownups these days. 2008 stats came out recently and it appears that Stone is the 18th largest craft brewery in the nation (20th just last year). We’re nearly out of space in our new brewery (in just three and a half years, no less), and the Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens has become a regional fixture in the last two and a half years. And our business has been growing. We say this with full respect and sensitivity to the many that are experiencing challenges during these crazy and unpleasant economic times. We believe that our growth during these times is a significant indicator that Americans are continuing to gravitate towards ‘better.’ Everything from artisanal cheeses and breads, to organics and great craft beer continues to grow. Victory Gardens have become an old trend that is new again, and people are continuing to focus on the quality choices available to them in their regions. No matter where you are, we are thankful and hugely flattered when you choose Stone. However, if you’re outside of our region and you often choose a quality craft beer that is more local, we understand. As long as we are all continuing our collective enthusiasm for great quality choices, more and more quality choices will continue to be made to satisfy our hunger…and thirst. And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing!


Release Date
June 29, 2009

Tasting Notes

Stone 13th Anniversary Ale pours brilliant deep red with a light tan foam. Upfront, the aroma is all piney, resinous and citrus hops. Upon tasting, the hops are still on the front, and they are balanced with the malty, toffee like flavors contributed from the blend of crystal and amber malts used in the brewhouse. The finish is deliciously bitter, with a touch of warmth provided by the 9.5% alcohol. Bitterness comes in at 90+ IBU.
Provided by
Mitch Steele