AleSmith & Stone FOMO Imperial Doppelbock
Series 12 of 14
In the lexicon of craft beer, there are special release beers that are hard to obtain and then there are 'whale' beers that are the stuff of legend. Unobtainium. Beers that can't simply be bought. One must favor a friend who knows a brewer that can get it for the right trade and a bit of luck. For some craft diehards this is silly. For others it's a lifestyle. Those who grapple with FoMO might not know exactly what they are missing, but still hold a fear that others are simply having a more rewarding experience than they. Not this time. Fear no mo' FoMO. Our very good and very dear friends at AleSmith, who were VERY early in the ÜWW (über walez world), brewed this in Berlin with us, just for you. BTW, if you're pondering the use of umlauts, they indicate our own form of FöMÖ. Miss using cavalierly superfluous Umlauts? Now, that would be missing out.