Dogfish Head, Victory & Stone Saison du BUFF 7.7%
‘Tis the season for Saison du BUFF. Literally, seeing as how we’re using botanicals of parsley, sage, and lemon thyme from Stone Farms, and rosemary from the landscaping buffers around the brewery, all harvested on brewday. That makes it Saison du BUFF season as far as I’m concerned. To boot, Sam and Bill are both in town for this here rebrew of the quixotic exotic, very tasty but not neurotic interestingly symbiotic combination of this herbaceous biotic. “BUFF,” as a refreshing reminder, is an acronym for Brewers United for Freedom of Flavor, the undeniably quixotic organization we formed in 2003 focused on fighting the perpetration of the infiltration of the industrialization and mass-conglomeratization that had become the source of such frustration. Today, however, the craft beer scene is a cause for celebration! Of art. Of character. Of taste. So, my brothers and sisters of our new craft beer civilization, rejoice with us. Celebrate life. Celebrate great craft beer. Celebrate BUFF!
Greg Koch
Stone Brewing Co.