Time to don your ushanka and grab a pint of thick black goodness once again. Monday’s roll-out marks our tenth annual release of Stone Imperial Russian Stout. A full decade and still going strong.
Our stellar distribution crew is gearing up for the big roll-out on Monday, so keep your eyes peeled in So. Cal. for your friendly neighborhood Stone Distributing truck.
If you’ve had the foresight to cellar previous vintages, you already know that the recipe has changed very little throughout the beer’s tenure, but this time around we did increase the amber malt a bit. According to Stone Brewer, John Egan, the increased amount of malt “gives the beer a little more body on the mouth feel, and a little bit less of a dry finish.” John felt compelled to add, “the beer is awesome!”
So where can you get it? This year’s release will initially be available in twenty-seven states. If your state is highlighted in SIRS blue in the diagram below, rejoice, for the iron curtain will soon be lifted on your state!
IRS may not be available right away in every state, so be patient.
The slick diagram above isn’t the only thing that our talented Graphic Designer, Jen Knudson, has created. She also designed the wicked 2009 Stone Imperial Russian Stout logo and t-shirt in the style of classic Russian propaganda. It’s a fitting design that you’ll be fitting into soon (if you have any semblance of style, that is).
Jen Knudson, resident Graphic Artist
There you have it. Go forth and cellar, Stone Imperial Russian Stout lovers!
-Matt Steele
Check out what RateBeer and BeerAdvocate are saying about Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Ever wonder why it's called Stone Imperial Russian Stout? This video from 2005 with Greg Koch and Chris Cochran will fill you in.

Submitted by Desertwarrior268 on April 11, 2009 - 7:12pm
I went to the store looking for the chocolate stout, disappointed I did not get to try it, went home with some IRS extremely happy.

Submitted by Scotto on April 15, 2009 - 7:40pm
Where can I get some of this nectar of the Bolshevics?
I tried it at the Brewery in SM and WHOA Baby. The hook is set in me. Easily my favorite thus far I live in O'side, whrere can I get it?
Thank you

Submitted by Matt Steele on April 16, 2009 - 10:55am
Hey Scotto,
Go here http://sn.im/g1811 to find our beers in Southern California. Good luck!

Submitted by Ben Ranum on June 19, 2009 - 3:23pm
Russian Imperial stout, from Stone Brewery!? I can't wait to try it...need to get a job first since I'm unemployed to afford it.

Submitted by Travis Rude on June 20, 2009 - 11:09pm
I recently bought a bottle of IRS in Boise Idaho and I loved it. The warmer it got the better it was. It still is second place to Ruination though.

Submitted by Bill on July 5, 2009 - 3:06pm
Great news on adding malt. That will, IMHO, turn the Imperial Russian Stout from an above average stout to an excellent stout.
Submitted by giantkeeper on April 8, 2009 - 8:39am
Easily one of our favorite Stone beers and we like them all ;O). Time to hit all of the local stores!