We all remember stories our parents told us about how much a dollar used to buy. Back in their day, a person could eat for a week on a dollar and still have enough for a haircut. With current inflation rates, it seems like such a world never existed. However, UNICEF is proving that a dollar can still go a long way. UNICEF is a non-profit organization on a mission to provide clean drinking water to children around the world. As part of World Water Week (March 22-28), UNICEF is conducting the Tap Project in conjunction with restaurants around the country, and our Bistro is one of the participating restaurants. By donating one dollar, you can provide safe, clean drinking water to a child for 40 days. You can donate in one of three ways: ask your server to add $1 or more to your bill, text “TAP” to 864233 to make a $5 donation, or donate directly online. Check out their website to find a participating restaurant near you.

Donating is easy. Just fill out the card on your table and give it to a server or manager.

Donating is easy. Just fill out the card on your table and give it to a server or manager.

We’re proud to be participating in this worthy cause, and we hope you’ll come on down to the Bistro and join us in contributing to the health and well-being of children around the world. Cheers! -Matt Steele


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