That’s the exact same question I asked our Lead Brewer (and infamous biofueler) John Egan after seeing the pompously named beer rear its head in various places, such as on the tap list for Southern California Storm and on the Stone Company Store’s growler fill schedule. So what’s the official word? To sum it up, Stone Bombastic Lager is the beer left over from propagating the pilsner yeast we used in BrewDog / Cambridge / Stone Juxtaposition Black Pilsner. What does that mean? Let me explain. When we acquire new yeast to propogate (pilsner yeast in this case), we throw it in our yeast propagating tank, and over the course of a few days we continually add wort to "feed" it and facilitate yeast growth. To feed the pilsner yeast, we added Stone Pale Ale, Stone IPA, and Stone Imperial Russian Stout wort straight from the brewhouse into the yeast propogating tank over several days. Once we were confident that there was enough growth, we pumped the yeast off the bottom (lager yeast is bottom-fermenting) and sent it over to the fermenting tank to ferment the Collaboration brew. John then transferred the leftover beer into another tank, but before transferring it he had a spark of creativity and decided to add some crushed coriander, french oak chips, and “literally a handful” of chopped vanilla beans. It sat for about a week or so, and then we gassed it up and put it in kegs. There were no additional hops or malt added; it was just a blend of a few worts. “As far as style goes, I have no idea,” said John. “It's kind of a ‘suicide’ like we did as kids with our sodas; just a mix of whatever is available. It tastes like an ale to me, but it's a lager—and a weird lager at that!” John added that the brew weighs in at 6.8% abv. So there you have it. Now when you stumble across Stone Bombastic Lager on the tap list at Southern California Storm or on tap for growler fills in the Stone Company Store on May 15th and July 10th, you can wow your dumbfounded friends with your in-depth knowledge, complete with a healthy dose of bombast. -Matt Steele



What would have happened to the "leftover beer" had the lead brewer not added the coriander, etc?

yargh, always with the friday growler fills.

any chance of this hitting a store shelf a bit more north?

We probably would have dry hopped it if it wasn't for the coriander and other stuff. That's what we usually do with "left overs" :)

Regarding getting this beer outside of the brewery, it's not going to happen unfortunately. It's considered a "Pilot brew", and at this time those need to stay in-house due to legal requirements.

My wife and I toured your place and enjoyed the Arrogant Bastard Ale Onion Rings and a taster. Any chance we can get your brews in Colorado anywhere?

Jim, if you wish to find where our brews can be found in Colorado, please contact our distributor CR Goodman.
(303) 288-0324
We ship to their house in Commerce City.

I was at the brewery yesterday and had the Bombastic's AMAZING! It's already one of my new favorites, so I hope it sticks around!

We love arrogant bastard here in Butler pennsylvania (about an hour north of pittsburgh. would love to try Bombastic lager

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