Hello everyone, “Dr” Bill here. We have some exciting new beers coming on tap this week at Stone Brewing World Bistro and Gardens. This Thursday, we're putting some special brews on tap to celebrate the arrival of our friends Will from Cambridge Brewing Co. and James from BrewDog. Will and James will be brewing our next collaboration beer with Mitch Steele the following day, and to honor the spirit of collaboration, we're putting previous Stone Collaboration Ales and select BrewDog beers on tap. To top it off, the pilot brew for their collaboration will also be available to taste for those who have made reservations. While we're sharing pilot brews, we thought we would tap a few of the pilot brews that our talented brewers create, but that never reach the general public. I'm happy to inform you, our loyal customers, that this Thursday, March 26th, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens will have not one, but FIVE of these pilot brews on tap! Here's what we'll have: Pilot Brew #1: Stone Imperial Red Pilot Brew #2: Stone Imperial Porter Pilot Brew #3: Stone Belgian Porter with Vanilla Bean and Tangerine Peel Pilot Brew #4: Stone Peated Scotch Ale Pilot Brew #5: Stone Everything but the Kitchen Sink Stout The beer goodness doesn't stop there. As an added treat, we are going to have both a filtered and unfiltered version of Stone Cali-Belgique IPA on tap. Our brewers are looking for feedback on these two versions, so please try both and let your server or bartender know which you prefer, or you can e-mail me at Bill-dot-Sysak at Stonebrew.com and I’ll give the brewers your input. Don’t miss the opportunity to try these unique Stone Brewing Co. Beers! Cheers, Bill

Submitted by JonnyUps on March 24, 2009 - 12:48pm
i meant yes please. i wasn't drinking when i posted my first comment.

Submitted by Matt Steele on March 24, 2009 - 1:43pm
They'll be on until they run out, which I imagine won't be long!

Submitted by BrianB on March 31, 2009 - 7:22pm
Doc, thanks again for a most excellent 3 day beer tour! I had a fantastic time meeting up with the Stone crew Thurs, love the Bistro, you are gonna kick some butt.
On the Cali Belgique, I kind of think you guys should go Unfiltered in Summer (take that Hefeweizen!), and filtered in winter.
Please let Bill S know I am working on his Southampton request.
Till Next Time My Friend,
Mitch, hope you guys had a good time brewing the collaboration beer. Very nice meeting you,

Submitted by BrianB on March 31, 2009 - 7:23pm
Oh and Imperial Red needs to be put into rotation eee-mediately!
Submitted by JonnyUps on March 24, 2009 - 12:47pm
um, yes pleaes. those all sound incredible.